Technical Specifications


This page lists the technical requirements surrounding (cryptographic) identifiers that will be used by issuers, holders and verifiers within the Company Passport.

Examples of Identifiers are Decentralized Identifiers (DID), JWK Thumbprint, and HTTPS URLs.

JSON Web Keys (JWK)

Since JSON Web Keys (JWK) as defined in IETF RFC 7517 (opens in a new tab) provide a standardized way of representing keys, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, including support for X.509 certificate chains, they are a natural fit for organizational wallets. JWKs can also be represented as a set of keys, called JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS, notice the different capitalization for the 's')

A Company Passport solution MUST support JWK and JWKS to represent keys

HTTPs URLs, well-known locations

JWKs and more specifically JWKS, can be hosted as a JSON file at a particular URL. This is very common for OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect solutions, where the keys are hosted at well-known locations or expressed for instance by a value like jwks_uri.

A Company Passport solution SHOULD support resolution or HTTPS (only) URLs to resolve JWKS.

JWK Thumbprint

JWK thumbprints, defined in IETF RFC 7638 (opens in a new tab) are hash values computed over a JSON Web Key (JWK). They allow to convey during a data exchange which JWK was involved in the signature or encryption process. They can be used as a persistent identifier associated with a (Q)EAA Provider or relying party, ie they can be used in trust decisions as the thumbprint cannot change unless the public key changes.

A Company Passport solution MUST support the usage of JWK thumbprints for Key Identifiers values (kid header) in JWTs. A Company Passport solution MAY support the usage of JWK thumbprint URIs (opens in a new tab)

Decentralized Identifiers

Depending on the DID methods used, Decentralized Identifiers may have some of the below benefits over regular HTTPS URLs and JWK Thumbprints, like for instance:

Company Passport solutions SHALL support Decentralized Identifiers according to the W3C DID Core (opens in a new tab) specification and SHALL support the Decentralized Identity Interop Profile (opens in a new tab) Company Passport solutions SHALL support Linked Verifiable Presentations (opens in a new tab) to make (Q)EAAs and/or PID data available for others to access. Either publicly or with authentication/authorization per Linked VP