Technical Specifications
Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and Authorization

This page lists the technical requirements surrounding authentication and authorization to the Organizational Wallet.

As a (Q)EAA Provider

Authorization code flow

When the wallet is acting as a (Q)EAA provider supporting a Authorization Code flow, the wallet could be using any authentication mechanism the holder is expected to support. This could ranging from integrations into national eID systems, SIOPv2, OpenID for Verifiable Credentials, to generic IAM solutions based on OAuth2, SAML, OpenID Connect for instance.

Pre-authorized flow

Similar to the Authorization code flow, the holder should be authenticated to the wallet. Whenever a cross-device flow is being used with a credential offer and a QR code, a tx_code should be send out of bound, using for instance an e-mail or text message, to ensure that the QR code is somewhat protected from session hijacking.

As a holder

Authentication as a wallet user or employee

Any Company Passport solution is free to choose whatever authentication and authorization mechanism(s) they want to employ for users (employees typically) of the wallet.

A few notes and remarks:

  • Supporting well-known standards used in enterprise settings make sense, like for instance SSO / OpenID Connect
  • Supporting natural person (mobile) wallets to authenticate using SIOPv2 combined with optional OID4VP is probably desirable
  • Depending on the context requiring a certain level of assurance and/or using additional factors make sense
  • Since a Company Passport typically can also sign credentials and/or documents as a provider, making sure that authorization is properly handled and that an internal audit trail that can not be tampered with is a must